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HSHS Medical Group Awards Colleague of the Month to Jennifer Schofield

June 30, 2022 

HSHS Medical Group is pleased to award Jennifer Schofield with our June Colleague of the Month Award. Jennifer is medical assistant at HSHS Medical Group Family Medicine in O'Fallon, Illinois.

The Colleague of the Month is chosen from nominations submitted by fellow HSHS Medical Group team members. “Jennifer has been a true godsend to the clinic with her thorough and kind care to every patient that she encounters,” her nominator said. “She has always gone above and beyond to handle anything the patient needs. Her contributions to the medical team are greatly valued.”

When asked what her favorite part of her job is, Jennifer said, “Working with such a diverse group of patients–we see patients from the beginning of life to the end of life.” She said, “I treat people the way I would like to be treated. I treat each man, woman, and child as if they are a member of my family–as I would expect my family to be treated when they interact with a health care professional.”

In her free time, Jennifer enjoys camping and spending time outdoors with her husband and two children. 

HSHS Medical Group Awards  Colleague of the Month to Jennifer Schofield
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Amanda Mack

Marketing Project Manager