A person who receives health services at an HSHS hospital in Illinois has, within the framework of Catholic medical moral teaching and other regulatory requirements, certain rights and responsibilities as a patient. In the case of patients under the age of 18 or patients unable to make decisions on their own, the person who is legally responsible for the patient must see that these rights and responsibilities are met.
You have the right to:
- Considerate and respectful care in a safe and secure environment regardless of your gender, disability, race, religion, age, national origin, sexual orientation, personal or cultural beliefs or the source of payment for your care.
- Information about hospital policies, rules and regulations governing your conduct as a patient. Clear explanations of your condition and all proposed procedures, including the possibility of any risks, problems or side effects that may result.
- Be involved in the development and implementation of your plan of care.
- Know the names and roles of health care professionals providing service to you.
- Refuse treatment to the extent permitted by law and to be informed of the medical consequences of your refusal.
- Freedom from restraint or seclusion, unless it is the only means to protect your safety.
- Prompt, effective and continuous assessment and treatment of pain.
- Be advised if any portion of your care or treatment is part of an experimental or research program and to decline participation in such program if you so choose.
- Formulate an advance directive, such as a durable power of attorney for health care, and have hospital staff comply with your directives.
- Personal dignity and privacy.
- Expect that your treatment records are confidential, unless you have given permission to release such information or reporting is required or permitted by law.
- Access your clinical records within a reasonable time period.
- Request and receive a printed copy of your hospital charges and have them explained to you. Have an ethics consultation without charge to review the plan of care and discuss your right to attempt to settle ethical disagreements or conflicts with health professionals.
- Express complaints and grievances and expect that they will be investigated within a reasonable time frame.
- Know what alternatives exist for your care and treatment when hospital care is no longer appropriate.
- To the extent permitted by law, to leave the hospital against your doctor’s advice. Should you do so however, neither your physician nor the hospital will be responsible for whatever harm such action may cause you or others.
- Provide information about illnesses, hospitalizations, medications and other matters related to your health, both past and present.
You have the responsibility to:
- Report any perceived risks in your care or changes in your condition.
- Accept the consequences of refusing treatment or failing to follow your established care, service or treatment plan.
- Abide by hospital rules, regulations and policies during your stay.
- Respect the rights of other patients, hospital personnel and others you may come in contact with. Ask questions if you do not understand directions given to you by your health care team. Pay your hospital bills promptly and provide information necessary for insurance processing. Express to hospital management complaints about any aspect of your care if you feel your rights have been violated.
You have the right to file a complaint
You have the right to file a complaint or grievance without being subject to coercion, discrimination, reprisal or unreasonable interruption of care.
If your concerns cannot be resolved by working with the hospital representatives, you may take your comments/complaints to:
Illinois Department of Human Rights
Intake Unit
524 S. 2nd St., Suite 300
Springfield IL 62701
Illinois Department of Public Health
Central Complaint Registry
525 W. Jefferson St.
Springfield, IL 62761
Patient Safety Concerns
Patient safety concerns can be reported to The Joint Commission:
Go to www.jointcommission.org and use the “Report a Concern” link in the “Connect With Us” area on the homepage.
Mail to: Office of Quality and Patient Safety
The Joint Commission
One Renaissance Boulevard
Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181
HSHS St. John's Hospital, Springfield, IL | HSHS St. Mary's Hospital, Decatur, IL | HSHS St. Elizabeth's Hospital, O'Fallon, IL
HSHS St. Anthony's Memorial Hospital, Effingham, IL | HSHS St. Francis Hospital, Litchfield, IL
HSHS St. Joseph's Hospital, Breese, IL | HSHS Holy Family Hospital, Greenville, IL
HSHS St. Joseph's Hospital, Highland, IL | HSHS Good Shepherd Hospital, Shelbyville, IL