- Access to a sophisticated data analytics infrastructure which supports integration of claims and clinical data across disparate EHRs to drive reporting and performance in commercial, government, and self-insured payors in Quality and Risk programs.
- Experience in transition from fee-for-service contracting to value-based contracts.
- Provide data analytics and population management expertise while allowing providers to maintain their preferred level of practice autonomy.
- Group and individual level performance (Quality and Utilization)
- Provider reporting with actionable patient level data (open care gaps)

Physician Clinical Integration Network. A physician led organization seeking to improve quality of care

The Physician Clinical Integration Network (PCIN) is an all physician led organization established to improve the quality, reduce the overall cost of care, and enhance physician alignment in Illinois and Wisconsin.
Membership Benefits
About Us
To improve quality, reduce the overall cost of care, and enhance physician alignment through a physician-led clinically integrated network in Illinois and Wisconsin.
Our Network
- Formed in 2011 as a clinically integrated network
- Physician led organization
- 2,200+ physicians
- Focused on Quality, Performance Improvement and Patient Safety
Network Initiatives:
- System Efficiency Programs: Improve quality of care across the entire health system.
- Local Efficiency Programs: Team with local hospitals to improve quality, efficiencies, and reduce cost. Programs are driven by local market needs.
- Value-Based Contracting: Shared savings and quality incentive agreements.
- Population Health Management (HSHS Healthy Partners): Improve overall population health through chronic disease management and care coordination.
Contact Us
For more information about PCIN, please contact:
Tom Appelt
Executive Director