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Mission Moments

Monthly mission moments to reflect and pray on weekly.

Statue of St. Francis of Assisi Statue of St. Francis of Assisi


“Let nothing disturb you, let nothing frighten you, all things are passing away:  God never changes” – St. Teresa of Avila

Today we invite you to surrender any hesitations or fears you may have to God and trust in His unchanging nature.


St. Teresa’s words encourage us to find stability in God’s unchanging nature.  Life’s challenges and fears are temporary, but God’s love and presence are eternal. This perspective can bring calmness in tumultuous times.  Trusting in God’s constancy can anchor us through life’s storms.   Amen.   

Mission Module

Monthly Mission Module

In July we remember the anniversary of our Hospital Sisters in America. This day holds special significance as we honor the Sisters who’ve served in America for the last 149 years. Their anniversary, the anniversary of Hospital Sisters Ministry and Independence Day all provide us with a time to reflect on the values of freedom, dedication, and service that have shaped us. Our mission is deeply rooted in the principles of service and community, values that resonate with the spirit of Independence Day. Just as our forefathers and foremothers fought for liberty and the well-being of the people, the Hospital Sisters and those that worked alongside them have tirelessly worked to provide healing and hope to those in need. Both anniversaries symbolize new beginnings and a commitment to a greater cause. Those who have gone before us have embarked on a journey to build a legacy of care, compassion and community service as they strove to create a land of freedom and opportunity for all.


For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in. (Matthew 25:35)

This scripture passage reminds us of the profound impact of our service. Today, as we work at HSHS, we are reminded that the Mission is in our Hands. Our daily endeavors are a testament to the enduring mission of the Hospital Sisters and the spirit of independence. We are reminded that our work is not just a profession, but a calling to serve with integrity, compassion and excellence. Every act of care and kindness echoes the teachings of compassion and hospitality. Our work is a living testament to the values of the Hospital Sisters, reflecting a commitment to serve those in need. The parallel celebration of Independence Day reinforces our dedication to fostering a community where freedom and dignity are upheld. As we honor these legacies, let us remember that our mission extends beyond medical care to embracing every individual with the love and respect they deserve. As we celebrate this heritage, let us reaffirm our commitment to the principles that unite us. Let us honor the legacy of the Hospital Sisters by continuing to provide exceptional care and embodying the spirit of independence through our unwavering dedication to our patients and community.

Team Discussion

  1. How can we incorporate the principles of compassion and hospitality in our daily interactions with patients and colleagues?
  2. In what ways can we draw inspiration from the spirit of Independence Day to enhance our commitment to service and community at HSHS?
  3. What steps can we take to ensure that our work continues to reflect the core values of Respect, Care, Competence and Joy as well as the teachings of compassion found in scripture?

Dates to Remember

July 2 | Hospital Sisters Foundation Day (anniversary of congregation)
July 2 | Hospital Sister Ministries (founded 2015)
July 4 | Independence Day