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Cram the Car diaper drive set for Feb. 21

February 07, 2023 

HSHS Home Care Illinois is inviting the community to join them in a diaper and baby wipes drive for the HSHS St. Francis Hospital Family Maternity Center to help mothers in need.

Community members are invited to “cram” a Home Care car by donating diapers and baby wipes.  On Tuesday, Feb. 21 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., a HSHS Home Care Illinois branded car will be parked on the St. Francis Hospital campus outside the main entrance of the hospital accepting donations of items or monetary contributions.

For more information about the drive, contact Valerie Engelbart, volunteer/bereavement supervisor for HSHS Home Care Illinois, at 217-685-0702 or email Valerie.Engelbart@hshs.org.

Cram the Car diaper drive set for Feb. 21