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Advanced Surgical Technology Helps Eliminate Cataracts

June 12, 2023 

Cataracts affect more than 24 million people over the age of 40 in the United States according to the American Academy of Ophthalmology. HSHS St. Mary’s Hospital is addressing the growing need for improved eye care by establishing advanced ophthalmological surgical services here in Decatur.
St. Mary’s Hospital is the first in the region to use the LenSx® Laser featuring ASCEND Technology to perform cataract surgeries. This system uses advanced laser technology for enhanced precision and increased efficiency.

“A cataract is something we can take care of surgically as soon as it starts to bother you in your daily life,” said Dr. Kenneth Farr, ophthalmological surgeon. “Once we complete the surgery, your cataracts are gone for good.”

If your eyes seem cloudy or you feel like you are looking through a foggy or dirty pair of glasses, you may be suffering from cataracts. Some of the more common symptoms include blurry vision, seeing double, light sensitivity, trouble seeing at night or even a yellowing of colors.
Using the laser to pre-treat a lens prior to the removal of the cataract can minimize and, in many cases, eliminate the usage of ultrasonic energy within the eye, minimizing ocular trauma and aiding recovery.

“We are excited to have Dr. Farr on staff to offer this advanced technology to the people of Decatur,” said Tedi Simer, director of surgical services at St. Mary’s Hospital. “We want the community to know that they don’t have to travel far to take advantage of the latest technologies.”

The LenSx Laser System creates advanced levels of accuracy and reproducibility for some of the most challenging steps of cataract surgery. The image guided laser allows surgeons to create precise, repeatable incisions for more accurate, more efficient, and less damaging, self-sealing cataract incisions.

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms of cataracts, talk to your primary care provider or eye doctor to see if surgery is the right option.
Advanced Surgical Technology Helps Eliminate Cataracts