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"Cheers to Chocolate" candy and bake sale set for Feb. 14

February 03, 2023 

The Partners of HSHS St. Mary’s Hospital will host a Valentine’s Day “Cheers to Chocolate” candy and bake sale on Tuesday, February 14. This annual event will be held in the Hospital lobby from 7 a.m. until sold out. 
The event will feature homemade chocolate goodies, as well as raffles for cash, and St. Louis Cardinal tickets. Cash, credit and debit cards will be accepted.

Funds raised from this year’s event will benefit the Post-Anesthesia Care Unit. For any questions regarding Cheers to Chocolate, contact Carol Holthaus at 217-864-4288.

If you would like to become a Partner and volunteer your time at St. Mary’s Hospital, please contact Keely Fiore at 217-464-5540 or by email at

"Cheers to Chocolate" candy and bake sale set for Feb. 14