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Organ and tissue donor recognition

November 11, 2022 

HSHS St. Mary’s Hospital will hold a special service to celebrate the National Donor Sabbath on Tuesday, November 15 at 10 a.m. in the main lobby.

The service honors those who have donated or received organs as well as those still waiting on the transplant list. The service will include a blessing, candle lighting, prayers, and a guest speaker, Jessica Michael.

Every November, leaders from various religions, donor families, transplant recipients and donation and transplantation professionals work together to educate the public about the need for the lifesaving and healing gifts passed to others through organ transplantation. They also encourage others to sign up in their state registry as organ, eye and tissue donors.

The National Donor Sabbath is an interfaith celebration of life and thanksgiving. It is a special time for people across America to learn about the critical shortage of organs and tissue and to celebrate the greatest blessing of all — life.

Learn more about organ, eye and tissue donation and register today at LifeGoesOn.com.

Organ and tissue donor recognition